sábado, 7 de maio de 2011

Deconstructing Harry

Suffering from writer's block and eagerly awaiting his writing award, Harry Block remembers events from his past and scenes from his best-selling books as characters, real and fictional, come back to haunt him.

Deconstructing Harry

Deconstructing Harry

Harry Block is a well-regarded novelist whose tendency to thinly-veil his own experiences in his work, as well as his un-apologetic attitude and his proclivity for pills and whores, has left him with three ex-wives that hate him. As he is about to be honored for his writing by the college that expelled him, he faces writer's block and the impending marriage of his latest flame to a writer friend. As scenes from hi! s stories and novels pass and interact with him, Harry faces the people whose lives he has affected - wives, lovers, his son, his sister. Written by Gary Dickerson <slug@mail.utexas.edu>

Harry Block es un escritor en cuyos libros retrata sus crisis emocionales de forma tan precisa que muchas personas de la vida real se sienten directamente aludidas al leerlos. Su vida aparece ante nuestros ojos en forma de episodios en los que los personajes de ficci�n se mezclan con los reales y en las que el Harry-escritor tendr� que ajustar las cuentas con el Harry-ciudadano-de-a-pie. Ni decir cabe que Harry es en realidad Woody, y que la reflexi�n sobre el escritor y su obra le sirve de pretexto para hacer un repaso a su propia obra como realizado Written by <czamora@colossus.rhon.itam.mx>

Genres: Comedy Drama Fantasy Romance

Release year: 1997

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